Inside the castle at St. Michael's Mount
Just because you made it to the front entrance doesn't mean you'll actually get in. See that pointy portcullis tucked handily above the welcoming front door? It could quite easily stop you in your tracks. End any future tracks, really. Although maybe it's just an ancient screen door to keep out ancient insects. I think stuff was bigger back then.
Another view of the front hall. Aren't those doors magnificent? See the wooden coat rack thing on the far left? It appears to be a bear holding onto a tree to get the fish in the top branches. But that's probably not what it is.
A cozy reading nook, complete with weapons should the need to protect yourself arise.
The table is made with massive slabs of wood.
I was so busy first admiring this scene and then composing this shot, that I failed to notice that strange thing hanging down in the center of the window. I have no idea what it is.