Mousehole is not at all pronounced the way it looks like it should be. It's "Mowzel". Dylan Thomas called Mousehole “the loveliest village in England.” Dylan, in case you forgot or never knew, is considered Wales' greatest poet. He wrote deep stuff that I am usually too tired to understand because reading deep poetry makes my head hurt. But still. If a famous poet calls a place “the loveliest village in England,” I’m apt to mosey on over and give the place a looksee. We pass through Mousehole on this hike from Penzance to Lamorna.
Some history stuff: Mousehole developed around the fishing trade, appearing in record books as a major fishing port way back in 1266, which is an amazingly long time for a record book to exist. Supposedly, the last fluent native speaker of the Cornish language lived in Mousehole. Some accounts say Dolly Pentreath was the last person who spoke only Cornish, while others say she learned English at the age of twenty. Whatever. It’s still cool.
According to the travel guides, as you walk towards the harbor from the car park you will pass the house where Dolly lived. It’s marked by a plaque. I mention this because my plan was to take a photo of said plaque and include it in a post, at which time you could say, “Oh, I remember Chris mentioning that house and that lady. Wow. She was right. There is a plaque.” But I totally forgot about the house and we walked right by it without even noticing which just proves you need to write stuff down so you don't forget and miss things like the house of the last fluent native speaker of the Cornish language.
The goal on the October 2023 trip? Find. That. Dang. House.
The goal on the October 2023 trip? Find. That. Dang. House.